Article ID : 00028604 / Last Modified : 02/28/2008Print

How to change the order in which hard drives are used as the boot device.

    Follow this procedure to change the boot device priority sequence from among the available hard drives.

    1. Restart the computer.
    2. At the SONY screen, press the F2 button.
    3. In the BIOS SETUP UTILITY window, press the RIGHT ARROW key until Boot is selected.
    4. In the Boot Settings window, press the DOWN ARROW key until Hard Disk Drives is selected.
    5. Press the ENTER key.
    6. In the Hard Disk Drives window, with 1st Drive selected, press the ENTER key.
    7. In the Options window, press the ARROW keys until the hard drive to use as the 1st Drive is selected.
    8. Press the ENTER key.
    9. Repeat the preceeding steps until all desired changes to the Hard Disk Drives window have been made.
    10. Press the ESCAPE key to return to the Boot Settings window.
    11. In the BIOS SETUP UTILITY window, press the RIGHT ARROW key until Exit is selected.
    12. Press the ENTER key twice.