Playing High-Resolution Audio content
High-Resolution Audio refers to content in a format with higher sound quality than the CD standard. Transfer High-Resolution Audio content to the library in “Music Center for PC”. Then, you can enjoy the content in high sound quality via the following devices:
- A USB-DAC-compatible device
- A High-Resolution-Audio-compatible device connected to a home network
You can also play the High-Resolution Audio content on your computer. However, the sound quality may vary depending on the environment or the specifications.
- If you transfer High-Resolution Audio content to an audio device, you can enjoy the content in high sound quality (only applies to audio devices compatible with the High-Resolution Audio format).
Playing High-Resolution Audio content via a USB-DAC-compatible device
There are two methods of playback: “ASIO” and “WASAPI exclusive”. Select a method according to your audio environment. If you select “ASIO”, install the appropriate Windows USB driver for the USB-DAC-compatible device. Download the USB driver for the USB-DAC-compatible device in advance. The USB driver is available on the support site.
Connect a USB-DAC-compatible device to the computer.
Click (Audio output) . Then, select the driver corresponding to the connected device.
- You can change the settings for the output format by clicking (ASIO/WASAPI exclusive setting).
To set the output format, perform the following check procedure.
- You can change the settings for the output format by clicking (ASIO/WASAPI exclusive setting).
Start playback of High-Resolution Audio content.
- If the content cannot be played back after the USB-DAC-compatible device is disconnected from the computer, set (Audio output) to [DirectSound].
Playing over a home network
To play songs on a network-compatible audio device over a home network, refer to the page below.