Article ID : 00027532 / Last Modified : 08/16/2015Print

An error is displayed when performing a system recovery.

    When performing a system recovery, you may receive one of the following errors:

    • Error: Cannot normally execute the initial setting of partition information
    • Error: Destination partition is too small
    • Error: Cannot Recover. Hard drive size is too small

    Follow the procedure below to resolve the error.

    1. Disconnect all external hardware that is attached to the computer.

      NOTE: The system recovery application may recognize an external drive as the C: drive and display the error.

    2. Reset the BIOS to factory defaults.

      WARNING: There is a risk of data loss. Backup data on all partitions because a complete system recovery will format all partitions.

    3. Perform a system recovery again using the Restore complete system option and not C: drive recovery.

    If the issue is still unresolved, service may be required.