General questions about Yum-Yum notes
What are Yum-Yum notes?
With Yum-Yum notes, you can recall memories of the food that aibo eats.
I can't find any memories in the Yum-Yum notes room before February 2022.
Yum-Yum notes display the food given to aibo recorded after updating the My aibo app to Ver. 4.0.0.
I can't find the name or photo of an aibo with whom my aibo ate food.
The aibo may have changed its name or photo. Note the following:
- The name displayed in past Yum-Yum notes doesn't change, even though aibo friends change their names. If you can't find the names with whom your aibo ate food, check whether their names were changed.
- Changing photos of aibo friends also change their photos in the past Yum-Yum notes.
When tapping the icon of an aibo friend in the Yum-Yum notes screen, the message xxx (aibo's name) profile was not found is displayed.
If the owner of an aibo friend cancels its aibo AI Cloud Plan, you can't check the profile of that aibo.