Article ID : 00296420 / Last Modified : 07/09/2024Print

Volume is low, or I can't hear anything through my OTC Self-fitting hearing aids

    If you have completed the setup and the hearing aid profile check successfully in the past, it's important to understand that this issue is not related to your phone or the Sony | Hearing Control app. No sound or low volume issues are usually caused by wax build-up or a battery issue. You may experience any of these issues:

    • They sound weak or lower in volume than usual.
    • There is no sound.
    • They aren't amplifying.
    • You hear the start-up jingle for the check battery tone, but nothing else after that.
    • The hearing aids feel like an earplug.
    • They aren't working or were working and all of a sudden stopped working.

    To resolve the issue, please follow the steps outlined in this article and check if the issue is resolved after completing each step.

    Step 1: Check the battery and click sleeves

    If the battery is running low or the click sleeves are clogged with wax, the sound can seem muffled or weak.

    1. Check the battery:
      • For the CRE-C10: Replace the battery.
      • For the CRE-E10: Make sure the battery is fully charged.
    2. Check for wax build-up on the outside of the click sleeves:
    3. Remove the click sleeve and look for wax inside it. We suggest holding the click sleeve up to a light and examining the tiny holes at the tip. If the holes aren't clear, clean the sleeve and then check again for any remaining wax at the tip.
      • If the cleaning works, great! If not, replace the click sleeve with a new one.

    Note: For the best sound quality, we suggest changing the click sleeves and wax guards at the same time.

    Step 2: Check the wax guards

    A blocked wax guard can stop sound from coming out of your hearing aid, which might be why it sounds weak or isn't working. To check, do the following:

    1. Remove the click sleeve.
    2. Carefully remove the wax guard with your fingernail.
    3. Put the click sleeve back on the hearing aid, and insert it in your ear.

    If you hear sound without the wax guard, the issue is wax accumulation on the wax guard, which is normal. In this case, you need to replace the wax guards. Replacements are available for purchase separately on the Hearing Shop website.

    It's okay to temporarily use the hearing aids without the wax guards until the new ones arrive, as the click sleeves also provide filter protection. But it's important to replace them as soon as possible.


    If the issue still occurs or you need additional assistance, please contact our Product Support team.