Article ID : 00008538 / Last Modified : 11/01/2024Print

The touch sensor buttons are not responding or working.

    The touch sensor buttons that control the AV Mode, volume, play, fast forward, etc. may stop working if the Synaptics Pointing Driver is uninstalled or if the file is corrupted. Follow this procedure to reinstall the Synaptics Pointing Driver.


    • Downloading and installing the Synaptics driver update available through the Drivers & Software link on this page will also resolve this issue.
    • Reinstalling the Pointing Driver (Synaptics) from the VAIO Recovery Center or from recovery media will not resolve this issue.
    1. Reset the BIOS to its default values.
    2. Click the Start button, and then click on Computer.
    3. In the Computer window, under Hard Disk Drives, double-click on (C:).
    4. Double-click the Windows folder.
    5. Double-click the DRIVERS folder.
    6. Double-click the .EXE folder.
    7. Double-click the Pointing Driver (Synaptics) folder.
    8. Double-click on the setup or setup.exe icon.
    9. Follow the Synaptics Pointing Driver Installation wizard instructions to install the driver.

      NOTE: When the installation setup is complete, a You must restart your computer to apply these changes window will appear. Choose the Restart Now button for proper installation.