Article ID : 00121980 / Last Modified : 03/29/2019Print

How to change the size, rearrange the location, or arrange the tiles into groups on the Start Menu.

    Follow these steps to change the size of a tile, rearrange the location of tiles, or arrange the tiles into groups on the Start Menu.

    Change the size of a tile:

    1. Click the Start Image button.
    2. On the Start Menu, right-click the tile you wish to resize and then click to select the desired size (Small, Medium, Wide or Large).


    Rearrange the location of tiles:

    1. On the Start Menu, click and hold the desired tile, and then drag it to another location within the same group, or from one group to another.
    2. To create a completely new group, click and hold the desired tile, and then drag it to an empty space on the Start Menu.

      NOTE: If there is no empty space available, increase the size of the Start Menu  to create extra space.

    Arrange the tiles into groups:

    1. On the Start Menu, drag the desired tiles to an empty space.
    2. Move your mouse cursor to the area just above the group of tiles you just created and click the double-line icon that appears.


      • There are already 2 named groups of tiles: Explore Windows and Everyday apps.
      • There must be at least one tile in a group in order to name that group.
      • If you drag all the tile out of one named group into other groups, that named group will no longer appear.
    3. In the open title bar, type the name you wish to give the group and press the Enter key.