Beginning in April 2021, Green Management 2025 (GM2025) is a set of medium-term environmental targets that form part of Sony's Road to Zero plan. GM2025 progressively reduces plastic in the packaging of our portable products, on the path to total elimination.
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Evolving packaging
Individual packaging, including product boxes and trays now use our Original Blended Material.
Original Blended Material is a paper material developed by Sony and manufactured from plants with short growth cycle and recycled paper. It is suitable for a diverse range of packaging.
Reducing outer box plastics
Our mission: eliminate plastic packaging
Packaging Design Engineer
Sony Corporation,
Product Technology Center
We have successfully eliminated plastic from our packaging. The paper-based packaging serves two purposes: first, it allows us to use existing materials while maintaining functionality, and second, it reduces the burden of disposal or recycling as a single paper material.
We are happy in our achievement of eliminating plastic from our packaging. However, since the shape of the packaging remained unchanged despite a change in the materials, it was difficult to visually perceive the difference by simply holding it. As a result, we dedicated significant time and effort to gather information and find an improved approach to effectively communicate our environmental message to our customers.
During this process, Sony’s Original Blended Material (OBM) played a pivotal role in intuitively conveying our message. This material, while possessing the fundamental qualities of paper, was meticulously crafted from carefully chosen materials, retaining its natural texture with no added colouring. Leveraging the unique characteristics of OBM, we embraced a fresh design concept: “packaging that can be seen, touched, and that delivers our message” and introduced a new external shape with a soft and natural feel.
OBM packaging served as the foundation for our communications by embodying our vision of fostering a future where customers can actively engage with the environment alongside us.