The WF-1000XM5 reduces external noise over a wide bandwidth, from low to high frequencies. It contains two proprietary processors that cancel more external noise than ever, a new high-performance driver unit Dynamic Driver X, dual feedback microphones and innovative Noise Isolation Earbud Tips for a more stable fit. Real-time noise-cancelling processing can be optimised to provide the best performance for your environment, so you will hear a big difference, especially in aeroplanes, trains or buses.
Multi Noise Sensor technology
Three microphones on each earbud, including dual feedback mics, improve low-frequency cancellation performance. This is our biggest ever step forwards in noise cancelling, resulting in ambient sound captured even more accurately. So you can enjoy one of our purest sounds.
Unbeatable Noise Cancellation0
Exclusively developed by Sony, the Integrated Processor V2 unlocks the full potential of our HD Noise Cancelling Processor QN2e. This unique combination of technology controls the six microphones, across both ears, to deliver unprecedented noise-cancelling quality that can be adapted to provide the best performance for your environment.
New high-quality sound and noise cancelling driver unit
The specially designed driver unit Dynamic Driver X, able to reproduce lower frequencies, has been improved using a dome-edge separation structure that combines different materials, allowing for a more accurate generation of cancellation waves in the lower frequencies.
Feel a more stable fitting earbud
Noise Isolation Earbud Tips feature a unique polyurethane foam material which reduces noise in the high-frequency range. Soft and elastic, they maximisethe contact area between the earbud tip and the ear canal, insulating your sound and reducing noise. It also improves adhesion to the ear canal for a more secure, stable fit.