Article ID : 00032570 / Last Modified : 07/22/2014Print

The Walkman player displays Flash Err.

    WARNING: There is a risk of data loss. Initializing or formatting the portable player will permanently delete all data stored.

    A Flash Err message indicates that the Walkman® player is unable to read the data stored in the memory. Initialize (Format) the portable player to resolve this issue.


    • When the memory of the portable player is formatted, all files will be deleted. After the formatting, you cannot recover any of the data. You will need to transfer the data back from your computer.
    • If model-specific information is required to format the player, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the product. Manuals are posted on your model support page.
    The troubleshooting steps listed above should resolve your issue. If you have completed all of the steps and the issue is not resolved, service may be required.  Go to Product Repair.