How to cancel pairing for the S-AIR wireless system.
IMPORTANT: These instructions may vary per model. For model-specific information on performing any of these steps, refer to the instructions supplied with your product. Manuals are posted on your model support page.
- Perform the S-AIR® ID setting as follows:
- Press POWER to turn the system on.
- Press the FUNCTION +/- button repeatedly until DVD appears in the front panel display.
- Press DISPLAY while the system is in the STOP mode.
- Once the CONTROL MENU display appears on the TV screen, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select SETUP, and then press +.
- Once the options for SETUP appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select CUSTOM, and then press +.
- Once the SETUP display appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select AUDIO SETUP and then press +.
- Once the options for AUDIO SETUP appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select S-AIR SETUP, and then press +.
- Press the UP or DOWN arrow to select ID, and then press +.
- Press the UP or DOWN arrow to select the desired ID, and then press +.
- Once an ID (A, B, or C) is selected, the confirmation display appears.
- After you have selected a new ID (or even selected the same ID as before), pairing is canceled.
NOTE: To confirm the current ID, perform steps A-G listed above. When you pair the system with the S-AIR sub unit, PAIRING appears beside ID on the display for selecting an ID.