Article ID : 00007712 / Last Modified : 11/01/2024Print

How to cancel pairing for the S-AIR wireless system.

    IMPORTANT: These instructions may vary per model. For model-specific information on performing any of these steps, refer to the instructions supplied with your product. Manuals are posted on your model support page.

    1. Perform the S-AIR® ID setting as follows:
      1. Press POWER to turn the system on.
      2. Press the FUNCTION +/- button repeatedly until DVD appears in the front panel display.
      3. Press DISPLAY while the system is in the STOP mode.
      4. Once the CONTROL MENU display appears on the TV screen, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select SETUP, and then press +.
      5. Once the options for SETUP appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select CUSTOM, and then press +.
      6. Once the SETUP display appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select AUDIO SETUP and then press +.
      7. Once the options for AUDIO SETUP appears, press the UP or DOWN arrow to select S-AIR SETUP, and then press +.
      8. Press the UP or DOWN arrow to select ID, and then press +.
      9. Press the UP or DOWN arrow to select the desired ID, and then press +.
        • Once an ID (A, B, or C) is selected, the confirmation display appears.
    2. After you have selected a new ID (or even selected the same ID as before), pairing is canceled.

    NOTE: To confirm the current ID, perform steps A-G listed above. When you pair the system with the S-AIR sub unit, PAIRING appears beside ID on the display for selecting an ID.