ComFact: A Benchmark for Linking Contextual Commonsense Knowledge

2022, 2023
Academic Conference
The 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2022)
Workshop on Knowledge Augmented Methods for NLP (KnowledgeNLP-AAAI’23)
Silin Gao (EPFL)
Jena Hwang (AI2)
Saya Kanno(Sony Group Corporation)
Hiromi Wakaki(Sony Group Corporation)
Yuki Mitsufuji(Sony Group Corporation)
Antoine Bosselut (EPFL)
Research Areas
AI & Machine Learning


Understanding rich narratives, such as dialogues and stories, often requires natural language processing systems to access relevant knowledge from commonsense knowledge graphs. However, these systems typically retrieve facts from KGs using simple heuristics that disregard the complex challenges of identifying situationally-relevant commonsense knowledge (e.g., contextualization, implicitness, ambiguity). In this work, we propose the new task of commonsense fact linking, where models are given contexts and trained to identify situationally-relevant commonsense knowledge from KGs. Our novel benchmark, ComFact, contains ~293k in-context relevance annotations for commonsense triplets across four stylistically diverse dialogue and storytelling datasets. Experimental results confirm that heuristic fact linking approaches are imprecise knowledge extractors. Learned fact linking models demonstrate across-the-board performance improvements (~34.6% F1) over these heuristics. Furthermore, improved knowledge retrieval yielded average downstream improvements of 9.8% for a dialogue response generation task. However, fact linking models still significantly underperform humans, suggesting our benchmark is a promising testbed for research in commonsense augmentation of NLP systems.
