Highly efficient operation of curved mirror VCSELs and their uniform characteristics

Academic Conference
The Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2022
Maiko Ito(Sony Group Corporation)
Tatsushi Hamaguchi
Tomohiro Makino
Kentaro Hayashi
Jared A. Kearns
Maho Ohara
Noriko Kobayashi
Shoetsu Nagane
Koichi Sato
Yuki Nakamura
Yukio Hoshina
Tatsurou Jyoukawa
Takumi Watanabe
Yuichiro Kikuchi
Seiji Kasahara
Susumu Kusanagi
Yuya Kanitani
Eiji Nakayama
Rintaro Koda
Noriyuki Futagawa(Sony Group Corporation)
Research Areas
Material & Analysis


Highly uniform and efficient GaN-based VCSELs with curved mirrors were obtained from a single wafer. The average Ith was 0.64 mA with standard deviations of 0.043 mA. The peak WPE and output power were 13.4 % and 7.6 mW at 5.2 mA and 12.8mA operating current, respectively.
