Shareholders' Meeting
The reports on the business report, non-consolidated financial statements, consolidated financial statements and audit reports on the consolidated financial statements by the Independent Auditors (certified public accountants) and the Audit Committee for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) were made pursuant to the Companies Act of Japan.
1. To elect 11 Directors.
At the Meeting, as proposed, 11 Directors were elected. The names of the Directors are as follows.
Kenichiro Yoshida
Hiroki Totoki
* Shuzo Sumi
Tim Schaaff
* Toshiko Oka
* Sakie Akiyama
* Wendy Becker
* Yoshihiko Hatanaka
* Adam Crozier
* Keiko Kishigami
* Joseph A. Kraft Jr.
2. To issue Stock Acquisition Rights for the purpose of granting stock options.
At the Meeting, as proposed, it was approved that the Corporation will issue stock acquisition rights to corporate executive officers and employees of the Corporation, and directors, officers and employees of subsidiaries of the Corporation, for the purpose of granting stock options, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 236, 238 and 239 of the Companies Act of Japan, and that the Corporation will delegate the determination of the terms of such stock acquisition rights to the Board of Directors of the Corporation. In connection with this agenda, no such stock acquisition rights will be issued to outside Directors of the Corporation.
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