Initiatives in Fiscal Year 2023

News from the forefront of Sony's environmental initiatives worldwide

Sony Recognized as a Leader in Supplier Engagement Rating Leaderboard by CDP for Six Years in a Row

2024.03.31 Sony Group Corporation

Sony Group Corporation (Sony) has been recognized for its efforts to minimize the environmental footprint of its supply chain by being selected in the "Supplier Engagement Rating Leaderboard" of CDP* Survey on climate change. This is the sixth consecutive year and the seventh time Sony has been selected.
Sony set about pursuing its medium-term environmental targets "Green Management 2025" from fiscal 2021, which aim to achieve by the end of fiscal 2025. These targets include calling on our key materials and parts suppliers and manufacturing contractors to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Sony also collects data on GHG emissions relating to the manufacturing and shipping of products and components delivered to Sony. In fiscal 2022, Sony obtained feedback on the questionnaire about these data from materials and parts suppliers which account for approximately 80% of the total transaction value and from manufacturing contractors which account for approximately 90% of the total transaction value. Additionally, for certain suppliers, Sony also encourage accurate calculation of GHG emissions by providing tools and guidance, and supports energy-saving activities.
Sony will continue to cooperate with our external manufacturing contractors, materials and parts suppliers and other business partners to help reduce environmental footprint, and work to create a better and more sustainable society.

  • The CDP is a nonprofit organization (NPO) founded in the UK in 2000. It conducts surveys on climate change, water security, and forests at private companies, then analyzes and releases the findings of these surveys to the public. This year, over 23,000 companies responded to CDP’s questionnaire.

Sony Forest Certified as a “Site in Harmony with Nature” in the First Half of 2023 by the Ministry of the Environment

2024.03.13 Kohda Site, Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation (SGMO)
An owl living in the Sony Forest
Regularly conducting forest conservation activities

Sony Forest, located at the Kohda Site of SGMO in Aichi, Japan, has been certified by the Ministry of the Environment as a “site in harmony with nature” for being an area where biodiversity is conserved through the efforts of private sectors and others.
In order to achieve “Nature Positive,” an initiative to halt, reverse, and get biodiversity loss on the road to recovery by 2030, the “30 by 30” target was set at the G7 Summit in 2021, which seeks to conserve at least 30% of land and oceans by 2030. In Japan, as part of the initiatives toward this target, the certification of “sites in harmony with nature” began in 2023. Certified sites will also be registered in a global database as “OECMs (Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures),” excluding areas overlapping with protected areas, and therefore, will directly contribute to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15).
Sony Forest was completed in 1998 with the aim of creating value by giving something back to the community and protecting the environment. The 58,000 m² forest on the site is well-equipped with various facilities, including walking trails and a perfectly positioned observation deck, and is used by children and many others in the community as a place to learn about the environment. Moreover, an employee-led greening club has been working to cultivate a habitat for owls, which are thought to be at the top of the ecosystem in this area. Employees regularly conduct conservation activities, aiming to create a forest with a healthy ecosystem that is essential for owls to live.
We will continue these environmental efforts and expanding community ties in the future.

Sony Recognized as a Climate Change Leader

2024.02.28 Sony Group Corporation

Sony Group Corporation (Sony) has been included in the “A-List” of CDP*, a distinction which recognizes Sony as a leader in efforts to address climate change. This is the third year in a row and the eighth time that Sony has made the A List in the climate change category in recognition of its high-level response and disclosure of information on the process.
Sony has established "Road to Zero", a long-term environmental plan to achieve a zero environmental footprint throughout the entire Sony Group by the year 2050, and is promoting activities from the four perspectives of climate change, resources, chemical substances and biodiversity. For climate change, Sony is aiming to achieve net-zero emissions throughout the value chain by 2040 and to achieve 100% renewable electricity used at its own sites by 2030.
To achieve these targets, Sony is engaged in various energy conservation activities at its sites and offices. In addition, Sony is working to adopt renewable energy in ways such as installing solar power systems, purchasing renewable electricity from power utilities and utilizing renewable energy certificates. As a result, the rate of renewable electricity at the Sony Group in fiscal 2022 doubled to 29.7% from fiscal 2021. Moreover, Sony has also implemented many initiatives to reduce energy consumption of its products. At the same time, Sony has been working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its supply chain by accelerating efforts to reach out to material and parts suppliers.
Sony will continue striving to achieve zero environmental footprint, and engage in business activities to help create a more sustainable society and global environment.

  • The CDP is a nonprofit organization (NPO) founded in the UK in 2000. It conducts surveys on climate change, water security, and forests at private companies, then analyzes and releases the findings of these surveys to the public. This year, over 23,000 companies responded to CDP’s questionnaire.

Sony-Affiliated Researcher Speaks on Synecoculture™/Augmented Ecosystems at an International G7ANPE Workshop

2024.01.26 SynecO, Inc.
A comparison of natural and augmented ecosystems

Dr. Masatoshi Funabashi, President and Representative Director of SynecO, Inc., a company established with investment from Sony Innovation Fund: Environment* 1, spoke at the Workshop on Sharing Business Opportunities – G7 Alliance on Nature Positive Economies (G7ANPE) held in September 2023.
Sponsored by the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation and cosponsored by G7ANPE, the workshop shared case studies of technologies and business models that contribute to nature-positive* 2 economies in G7 countries, with SynecO as one of the companies to represent Japanese business sector. SynecO’s business model, vision, and in particular augmented ecosystems and Synecoculture* 3 activities were introduced at the session. Dr. Funabashi described how this concept goes beyond traditional sustainability solutions expressed in terms of ecosystem regeneration to the level of augmentation, in contributing to nature-positive economies.
Examples of Synecoculture, already in place in China and some countries in Africa and South America, were introduced along with examples of augmented ecosystems in the context of urban greening and education. In this way, the session proved to be an opportunity to communicate how the approach extends beyond food production, as a way to make all human activities nature positive based on scientific knowledge.
Moreover, the aforementioned information was also introduced at the Japan Pavilion at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) held in December 2023.
SynecO will continue to work towards the coexistence of human society and biodiversity through businesses operations related to augmented ecosystems.

  1. Sony Innovation Fund: Environment is a corporate venture capital fund established by the Sony Group in September 2020 to nurture ventures specializing in new environmental technology. It focuses on supporting companies that are developing technologies to address global environmental issues such as climate change, resources, chemical substances, and biodiversity.
  2. Nature positive refers to halting and reversing biodiversity loss.
  3. Synecoculture is a trademark of Sony Group Corporation. Synecoculture is a method of farming that applies the principles of Augmented Ecosystems to food production. An augmented ecosystem is an ecosystem that promotes biodiversity beyond the natural state through the active contribution of human activities. It is advocated by Dr. Masatoshi Funabashi, who is a senior researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories.

Taking on Polystyrene Foam Alternatives to Reduce Plastic Packaging for Larger Display Products

2024.01.26 Sony Corporation
Product packaging without polystyrene foam
The ELF-SR2 Spatial Reality Display

Sony is stepping up efforts to reduce plastic packaging for products in line with the group’s “Road to Zero” , a long-term global environmental plan which aimed at achieving a zero environmental footprint by 2050. The 27-inch ELF-SR2 Spatial Reality Display realized a product packaged without polystyrene foam by applying cushioning made of corrugated cardboard and molded pulp.

Sharing Environmental Initiatives at Sony Expo 2023

2024.01.26 Sony China
Introducing Sony’s environmental activities at the sustainability session
Sony’s environmental technologies on display

Sony China held Sony Expo 2023 in Shanghai, an event held in Shanghai that showcased the latest information on Sony Group businesses in China related to products, services, entertainment, and other businesses. At the event, a “sustainability session” was held to introduce Sony’s environmental vision and associated initiatives of Sony Group companies in China were shared with more than 7,000 spectators including online viewers.
Synecoculture™*, new agricultural method which creates abundant ecosystems was also discussed, while the other technologies that can contribute to the environment such as Triporous™, a porous carbon material made from rice husks, and flame-retardant recycled plastic “SORPLAS™” were also introduced. Meanwhile, a panel discussion with employees who promote sustainability initiatives, noted experts, and local university students provided an opportunity to interact with stakeholders on the theme of sustainability.
Expo visitors became more familiar with Sony’s environmental initiatives through exhibits of products applying Triporous, SORPLAS, and other environmental technologies, and stage event where content IP was utilized, characters from “Gaspard and Lisa” appeared and distributed vegetables harvested at an experimental Synecoculture farm in China to the participants. Many participants found themselves intrigued by, interested in, and supportive of Sony’s environmental activities.
Sony China will continue to actively publicize environmental initiatives through similar events and other communications.

  • Synecoculture is a trademark of Sony Group Corporation.

Environmental Messaging and Events Held Again Worldwide for Earth Day

2023.07.07 Sony Group Companies
Earth Day key visual posted on Sony Group Corporation’s websites and social media
Mangrove planting in Thailand for Earth Day

Earth Day on April 22 is a time for personal reflection on the global environment, and in observance, the Sony Group once again raised awareness and took action externally and internally in a variety of ways.
Externally, an Earth Day CEO message was shared on the Sony Corporate Blog, and environmentally conscious products and initiatives in Sony’s various business areas were introduced on group websites and social media. Internally, a variety of educational events were also held to encourage environmental consciousness and action by employees. One example was screening the shortlist and award-winning films in the Environment category of the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards , a short film competition sponsored by Sony. Sony Music Group (SMG) partnered with Sony Pictures Entertainment to co-host an Earth Day concert for employees at Sony Pictures Studios in North America, featuring SMG artists and exhibitions on marine life protection and environmental conservation. Other events were also held around the world including environmental talk events, quizzes, tree planting, and beach and street cleanups.
The Sony Group will continue actively pursuing efforts to raise environmental awareness around the world.
